There are many opportunities in Sunset Valley and many careers to choose from. Some jobs could cost you friends or even get you thrown out of your parents' house.
His name was Alvi, a report processor and single father trying to make a decent living. Realizing the pay wasn't going to get better, He started working for the boss of a Criminal Organization in Sunset Valley. Their main objective was taking over the world. Alvi, however, didn't care about world domination. As long as he got paid well and could live the good life and provide for his family, he was happy. This new career was kept a secret from his kids. He hoped to rebuild a relationship with his oldest son, VJ who was a handful with his attitude and evil personality. His youngest son, Miraj was bright and very talkative. Sometimes he and VJ would have arguments about the smallest things. He also liked talking to the new maid his father hired. Miraj would talk to her so often, she'd get caught up in their conversations and forget to take care of things around the house. Alvi would joke about how they were made for each other and would get married some day. As Alvi thrived in the Organization he started dressing the part as well. He also started working out since he'd got into altercations with Sims in the neighborhood. Sometimes you just have to look intimidating for sims to leave you alone. He considered me a workout buddy since we would see each other in the gym almost every day and would ask me for workout advice. This guy should've been at the Gym that day the whole valley showed up. That would've motivated anyone. Alvi was looking like a real gangster and his kids took notice. VJ eventually figured it all out and thought he was the coolest. Neither kid had to worry about being bullied and some Sims seemed a little afraid to even approach them. VJ loved it and even though his dad became busier, he had new respect for him. Alvi stayed committed to his life of crime even after being arrested for living so dangerously, having VJ and the maid take care of things while he was locked up. Jail time didn't stop this Sim from working. He was hungry. He befriended members of the organization such as Xander and Ayesha. He and Xander would often have meetings to discuss missions and side jobs.
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Miraj flirting with the Maid. |
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Talking business with Xander. |
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It's War! |
End of Chapter 1
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Chapter 2
There's nothing like relaxing on your bed after a long day of work only to be startled by your boss standing over you in your bedroom. This was Claire Ursine's way of teaching her gang about infiltration. She had learned many skills including gaining the trust of her enemies and catching them off guard. It's common among crime lords to test their henchmen and show off their skills. Back when she and co leader, Ayesha were rookies, they were known for escaping trap floors revealing beds of angry lobsters and impressing crime lords from other groups. They have come a long way and Claire was ready to take over the world starting with Sunset Valley and their first steps to their goal had already been set in motion. Claire worked in secrecy and most of the town was unaware of the group's existence. No one would suspect a bookworm/single mother to be the head of a criminal organization. She was able to befriend sims, discover their secrets and the secrets of the town such as sims employed in law enforcement. It was rumored that Claire and the group's playboy, Xander did a secret side mission but Ayesha said that it was just some plan they made in order to keep his girlfriend, Tamara from finding out about the fling going on between the two. After breaking up with Jared Frio, Claire didn't care much for romance. She just enjoyed the many pleasures of sim life and didn't want any attachments. She probably had too much on her plate anyway.
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Xander with girlfriend, Tamara Donner |
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Claire and Ayesha: Masters at work. |
She was eager to teach everything she knew about running an organization to her little daughter, Elisa. Claire had dreams of training her to be an accomplice as well as taking over the group one day. She would brag to Alvi about making her tough and was reluctant to buy her a crib at first. Elisa didn't seem to mind sleeping on the floor and seemed to always be cheerful when she wasn't crawling around with a dirty diaper. Claire would also joke about Elisa going over to straighten out her 'deadbeat, inappropriate father' when she got older.
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Claire with Elisa |
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Spying on Williams |
Like i said before, Alvi was a loyal. To show his loyalty to his boss, he began spying on Claire's ex, Jared. Alvi began to make it a personal vendetta as he thought about Elisa and how her father was never there for her or Claire. His irrationality started to surface and suddenly scrapped the plan to spy on Jared and just show up in his driveway. He may have been crazy but his heart was in the right place... Things were about to get very ugly, however and Claire would soon hear about the aftermath of whatever he had in store for Jared.
End of Chapter 2
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Over at the Clavell household, a sim stepped out in his beige jacket and pink tie, ready to start the day...even if it was in the afternoon. Meet Xander Clavell, a hot-headed party animal who was known as the playboy of the group. His father, Buster had known of his inappropriate and disrespectful ways for quite some time as he hoped for his son to finally move out. His mother, Bessie seemed to always get caught in the middle of their feud and just hoped for her family to stay together and grow closer. Xander knew what her mother was trying to do but he felt it was too late for that. He'd often push them away, retreating to his side jobs and women. Though Xander did good work for the group, Ayesha had doubts he'd be capable of handling bigger jobs due to his immaturity. Whenever this came up in conversations, Claire would remind Ayesha about Alvi and how the same thing could be said about him, implying their friendship and his tendency to freak out. Xander was not one of the top dogs but lately, Claire had been treating him like her right hand man. He was scheduled for another meeting with Claire about a 'secret plan.' It seemed like these meetings had been going on for quite a while. Perhaps there was more going on beyond a cover up for their little fling. It started as an idea of Xander's after hearing one of Claire's speeches to the group and once it was approved by Claire, they got things started.
Chapter 3

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Buster and Bessie. |
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Secrets. |
They didn't want the group to know until the time was right. It was meant to aid them in their take over and perhaps make them unstoppable. The meeting ended with the two criminals making out and departing. Soon after, Xander called up his girlfriend, Tamara to spend some time together. The next order of business was for Claire to find out what Alvi had learned from Williams. She stayed home and awaited a visit but as the day came to an end, there was no contact from him. To Claire, this was unacceptable. Ayesha volunteered to go over to Williams' to check if he knew of Alvi's whereabouts but Claire quickly declined the request as it would seem too suspicious for another gang member showing up at his house. Asking Alvi's kids was out of the question as well, due to the group maintaining their secrecy to the outside world (even though VJ and Miraj already knew about their father's job and Alvi had been prancing around like a gangster in his black suit all the time). Ayesha felt tempted to check on Alvi's kids, but it was not an option. Business always came first. Claire let Ayesha know that if he didn't report soon, he would be considered an enemy of the group. They were to move on to the next objective and case the Science lab. Claire's part in this was to stay home and tend to Elisa as if she had nothing to do with it. Even Ayesha was ordered not to contact her until the next day. Xander worked on the secret plan at the comfort of his....parent's home. Buster and Bessie were shocked at the sight in their living room. Xander was sitting in a chair....reading a book.
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Xander working on the secret agenda. |
They quietly headed up stairs and went to bed, almost afraid to ask him about it or why he had a storage house built in the backyard. It was one of those nights a green haze could be seen in the air. Xander seemed to be studying very hard. Could Ayesha be wrong about his maturity? The work Xander had been putting in toward this plan with Claire was beyond that of a low ranked member. A few days after the science lab job was completed, Claire made an unannounced visit to the Clavell household to check on him. He was scheduled to be at the hide out for work but slept in due to staying up all night. Claire was not happy about this seeing that it was beginning to interfere with his work. Xander was angered by her scolding and the two criminals began to argue in the front yard.
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Xander frustrated with Claire. |
Claire left Xander with the decision to either take work more seriously or become a nemesis. Later, Claire put down Elisa and took a night walk when she was greeted by one of her 'loyal' associates. As Alvi approached Claire, she told him he was very close to facing disciplinary action for not reporting to her sooner. Alvi gave his report on Williams and also mentioned Jared... Claire seemed uninterested in what he had to say and since they were out in the open she was about to cut him off until it seemed like he was implying something had happened with Jared, mentioning '12 Rounds' (yikes).
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Loyalty |
Alvi seemed to be back to his rational state, being cautious of what he said. A smug look washed over Claire's face and she insisted that he go home to his family. The group's next move was the military base and the Landgraabs, the family that helped build Sunset Valley. Will Claire and the gang succeed? What does Xander have up his sleeve? Will we finally see the 'secret' plan unleashed? Stay tuned!
End of Chapter 3
Thanks for reading :)
Her demeanor caught the attention of an elderly sim near by. He was a flashy dresser similar to what Xander would wear. He seemed friendly and very cheerful. He sat down next to Claire and was curious as to why a sim such as herself would be so glum on a day like this? Claire, of course didn't give any details and tried ending the conversation before it started. The sim known as Abe unsterstood she didn't want to open up. He left but not before encouraging her to enjoy life. Later that day, Claire sent a message to Ayesha. There was something she needed to take care of before going any further. Ayesha was asked to get information on Jared....Jared.. Though she and Claire were trained to never trust anyone on the outside, It seemed like this last minute task was personal and fueled by emotions. There wasn't a lot much time for another task. It would surely delay the mission. Ayesha was reluctant but did it anyway. Maybe they could get back to business once it was done and out of the way.
Final Chapter
Ayesha and Claire played a game of chess and discussed the final moves of their takeover. If they were to succeed, both their lives would change as well as those involved. Living it up as and settling down and marriage seemed to make their way into the conversation among all the business. After Claire's little talk with Xander on his front lawn, it seemed apparent he was not going to follow through and arrangements needed to be made to replace him. Ayesha was fine with just letting him go but Claire felt he had to be dealt with. Who knows if Xander would be looking for revenge some day. Ayesha didn't see why he'd be a threat or why they just couldn't drop him. It was finally revealed that Claire and Xander were planning on secretly recruiting 'special' reinforcements. Sims that were nearly invincible, emotionless and would follow her to the end of the earth. The plan seemed eerie and Ayesha didn't care for it. She could do just fine without Xander's ideas not to mention she was kept in the dark about it this whole time. Ayesha and Claire both agreed to keep an eye on him. On her way home Ayesha thought about the conversation. Claire had never talked about marriage before. Was she slipping?
Ayesha and Claire played a game of chess and discussed the final moves of their takeover. If they were to succeed, both their lives would change as well as those involved. Living it up as and settling down and marriage seemed to make their way into the conversation among all the business. After Claire's little talk with Xander on his front lawn, it seemed apparent he was not going to follow through and arrangements needed to be made to replace him. Ayesha was fine with just letting him go but Claire felt he had to be dealt with. Who knows if Xander would be looking for revenge some day. Ayesha didn't see why he'd be a threat or why they just couldn't drop him. It was finally revealed that Claire and Xander were planning on secretly recruiting 'special' reinforcements. Sims that were nearly invincible, emotionless and would follow her to the end of the earth. The plan seemed eerie and Ayesha didn't care for it. She could do just fine without Xander's ideas not to mention she was kept in the dark about it this whole time. Ayesha and Claire both agreed to keep an eye on him. On her way home Ayesha thought about the conversation. Claire had never talked about marriage before. Was she slipping?
In a group like this, you have to be willing to make sacrifices. This was something Ayesha understood and her dedication was admirable among the criminals she worked with. Her life outside of work was a different story, however. She was not very close with her roommates and they didn't know much about her. All they knew was she worked late and would often sleep right through her off days. There were times she'd be up working out in the living room, developing her athletic and fighting skills and Madison Vanwatson would make attempts to get to know her better as they both lived under the same roof and barely talked. Madison was curious about what she'd did at night to be so sleepy during the day. Ayesha was always vague when talking about work which was expected given her job. Madison finally invited her to the park to hang out. Normally, Ayesha would be against this but her antisocial behavior had already sparked Madison's curiosity and a trip to the park could help eliminate some suspicion. After agreeing to hang out she headed for the car and was stunned see Madison just take off running toward the park. For a moment the focused Co leader of the group let her guard down and smiled. She was amazed how carefree Madison was. They talked, she told jokes... She was like a big kid. Ayesha was surprised she didn't ask about her job during the outing . Ayesha enjoyed it but cut their time short as she had important tasks ahead. With doubts about Claire's efficiency, she felt the need to work twice as hard and plan ahead for the group's stability and victory.
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Ayesha hanging with Madison. |
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Time to herself before work. |
Moving in on the military was not going to be easy. Claire had a run in with Jack Bunch and he and his squadron would surely expect her. This would be a job for Ayesha's physical training. Claire would handle business with the Landgraabs. They were the family who built Sunset Valley with the help of the Goths. Claire's objective was to sway the inheritance in her favor. A sim on the inside agreed to aid her in this process. She went by the name of Cornelia Goth and this move would surely promote her. There was a lot to think about and it was time to get an answer from Xander, whether he was in or out (nemesis). Claire arrived at the Clavell house. Xander's storage house was empty except for a book propped against the wall. Had he still been working? Claire went over to the front door of the Clavell's. And Buster answered. With a cold look, he informed Claire that Xander was dead. Claire was caught comepletely off guard and just didn't know what to say. She apologized and left the house. All that was left to do was move forward and proceed with the mission. There was no time for emotion...especially fear..This was probably what Claire kept telling herself after hearing the tragic news but she must have felt something...she left the house in a trance not realizing she didn't ask Buster what happened. She sat down at the park thinking about Xander and the next move. Was it an accident? Did the secret reinforcments do this? Was she going to be next? If something happened to her who would take care of Elisa?
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Xander's storage house. |
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Bad news. |
Her demeanor caught the attention of an elderly sim near by. He was a flashy dresser similar to what Xander would wear. He seemed friendly and very cheerful. He sat down next to Claire and was curious as to why a sim such as herself would be so glum on a day like this? Claire, of course didn't give any details and tried ending the conversation before it started. The sim known as Abe unsterstood she didn't want to open up. He left but not before encouraging her to enjoy life. Later that day, Claire sent a message to Ayesha. There was something she needed to take care of before going any further. Ayesha was asked to get information on Jared....Jared.. Though she and Claire were trained to never trust anyone on the outside, It seemed like this last minute task was personal and fueled by emotions. There wasn't a lot much time for another task. It would surely delay the mission. Ayesha was reluctant but did it anyway. Maybe they could get back to business once it was done and out of the way.
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Claire and Abe at the park |
Ayesha couldn't believe what she was doing. She and Claire were about to take over Sunset Valley and she was sent to spy on the boss's ex boyfriend. She arrived at the house and Jared, who turned out being alive, knew who she was or at least knew her reason for being there. He told her about a Sim in a black suit who was there earlier and 'things' happened. He continued talking about the gangster sim who seemed unstable and told her all about it.
'12 Rounds'
Alvi visited the Frio household. He greeted Connor and was invited inside. He saw Jared talking to Pablo Martinez and politely waited until they finished their conversation. Alvi walked up to Jared and started talking about conspiracies...Both Pablo and Jared seemed confused and had no idea what he was trying to say. Suddenly Alvi attacked Jared and the two started fighting in the living room. Jared seemed to have an age advantage over Alvi and Jared was able to defend himself pretty well. Jared won the fight. He and Pablo expected the defeated criminal to to leave after that but Alvi was not finished with Jared. Alvi charged at him and fought him again! Pablo watched the cloud of smoke unsure of who was winning until Alvi bounced out of the cloud and picked himself up, holding his back in defeat... A sim would probably be asked to leave at this point but Jared was not so mature. He saw that he was the better combatant and seemingly welcomed Alvi to try again...and he did. The frustration could be seen in Alvi as he took another beating, but the sim wouldn't stop. Around this time, Pablo had already left and the two were still going at it. It began to turn dark outside and Jared was probably tired, hoping Alvi would pass out or leave. Jared had no such luck. Alvi obvioulsy not wanting to show how worn out he must've been, attacked for the sixth time and created yet another cloud of fury. After the smoke was cleared, Alvi put his hands on his waist, standing triumphantly as he won the fight. Was it over? Would Alvi finally go home? Nope lol..(talk about loyalty). There were five more fights in the living room and Alvi won them all! Jared had a bit of a breather as Alvi excused him to go into the bathroom. Maybe Alvi needed a break himself. Jared took the time to recover until Alvi walked into the bathroom with him and started again... Jared lost two more times and Alvi spoke for the first time since he was invited in. Jared realized Alvi was a messenger from Claire. I guess he got the message... (Score 7-5 Alvi).
Ayesha went to Claire's to tell her what she found out. No one answered the door. Both Claire and little Elisa were gone! What happened? Were they alright? Ayesha then went over to the military base to find everyone. From a distance, she could see Jack, Madison, Yumi Sekemoto and Williams' wife, Aimee in there military uniforms. By the looks of things, It seemed like they just took care of something very big. This didn't look good at all. Had Claire abandon the group and set them up? Ayesha turned around before the soldiers saw her. She felt betrayed. After all they've been through, how could she have done this? Ayesha thought about it for a long while and couldn't figure it out until she began to see the situation in a new light. Claire created her own endgame. With Claire gone, Ayesha could take over as supreme leader. Her talents could get the group back and start again. It wouldn't be very difficult for the group to follow Ayesha as she was sent over to Jared's while the group headed to the military base. Claire seemingly took the blame for the group's arrest giving Ayesha a clean slate and was not responsible for the setup.
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Jack, Madison, Yumi and Aimee at the base. |
But what about the dangerous reinforcements Claire spoke of? If they were truly out there and as invincible as she said, the safest place for the group would be behind bars and Ayesha could simply walk away just as Claire did. She also had the choice to face them if she rebuilt the morale and strength of the group and avenge Xander if they were responsible. I guess she wasn't slipping after all.Claire moved on and prepared for the future and left Sunset Valley with Elisa. One regret Claire may have had was not being able to call Ayesha out on letting her guard down with roommate, soldier, Madison. They certainly couldn't be roomates anymore. Ayesha would probably need to lay low for a bit. Where could she go? It turned out Claire had another trick up her sleeve. She didn't bother to contact Alvi, about the mission at the military base, therefore leaving him safe at home. Ayesha made her way over and they had dinner like a real family. Maybe this was something Claire had hoped for Ayesha to find... Though personal feelings lead to the fall of this criminal group, it was also a chance for new possibilities.
Thanks for reading :)